How we Help

Capitalizing on our team of experts to help create the most efficient and profitable business through the utilization of Monarch Data Systems' managed marketing services, data and technology.

Utilizing Monarch Data Systems dashboard and managed services, a retail store will be provided with a complete set of metrics that include sales of brands, demographic data and customer purchasing behavior.

Our tools will directly align customers with brands and will allow store owners to have a clear understanding of what promotions to run, what brands to carry and how and why a campaign will or won't work. We have a proven network of dispensaries currently utilizing our system who have seen an increase in sales and a clearer picture of customer behavior which leads to better buying decisions.

Adding screens to the Monarch Data Systems offerings will create direct impact of brand messaging through in-store promotions and an advertising network that allows brands an opportunity to market directly to their customers. Monarch Data Systems will enable the our digital screen customers to run their screens better through clear metrics and will provide the managed services to help them maximize that real estate, as well as greater efficiencies in their stores overall.

These efforts also increase the value of the screen real estate through defined metrics and exclusive placement in conjunction with retail floor merchandising.

Through the aggregation of these platforms, dispensaries will be able to make decisions based solely on the data. Monarch Data Systems will show:

WHO We are



Marketing expert with over 25 years of sales and marketing experience, Gabrie has launched over 10 cannabis brands and has worked as both and owner and executive with Dispensary teams. Her expertise in brands and marketing lead her to develop Monarch Data Systems and the managed services to help dispensaries maximize revenue.



Strategic visionary with 6+ years of proven success in the cannabis space. As an original Co-Founder of GreenScreens, Ryan has intimate knowledge of both the strengths and weaknesses of the platform. Having helped open a multitude of dispensaries across several markets, he has intimate knowledge of dispensary operations.



Founder and CEO of a 15-member IT company that specializes in delivering enterprise-level IT solutions. Megh is also the Founder of Virtual Budz digital screen solutions and has gained valuable insights into the data needed for dispensaries to thrive in their marketing efforts. His combined expertise is in IT solutions, project management, and business analysis.

Set up a demo

Let us show you how the campaign manager works. We would love to walk through a demo with you.